The focus of nearly 12 months research and collaboration by Meet Your Sweet's entire team of leading attraction experts and writers...

Who Else Wants To Be The First To Achieve Absolute Attraction Mastery Through a 12-Month Program That Will Skyrocket Your Success in Attracting Great Women For One Night Or For A Lifetime?

"...Read every last word on this page to discover how it doesn't matter if it's just one area or every area of getting and keeping great women you need to focus on, Mirabelle, Slade, Amy, James, Andrew, and the team at Meet Your Sweet have created the definitive course to completely transform your skills at approaching, attracting, seducing, and keeping the most incredible woman you'll ever meet... all in 12 life-changing months!"

slade shaw

From the desk of Slade Shaw
October 01, 2024

Dear Friend,

If I could grant you three wishes, what would they be?

  • Confidence in approaching women and knowing how to press their secret attraction triggers?
  • Better looks and health to maximize your physical attributes - no matter what you look like now?
  • Power and presence in attracting truly high quality women, and the ability to hold onto them for the kind of relaxed, easy relationship that lasts as long YOU want it to?

Now, what if I were to offer you a course that would grant you all three wishes?


Success with understanding and attracting women is an elusive skill that evades most men. You know what you want and what you like in women, but when it comes to actually getting it, Doogie Howser is probably better at getting chicks than you.


Many experts and pickup artists will share the techniques that work for them, but you're not them. You're not going to wear black eyeliner and do magic tricks, are you? You want a method that works for YOU, all the way from start to finish. That may mean closing on a girlfriend, not always another one-night stand.


The problem with most other guys and PUAs is that they think there's a magic bullet: ONE thing, one secret, one new skill that will guarantee success with women.


But women are so much smarter than that. They want the WHOLE picture, a man that not only has the SKILLS, but the CONFIDENCE, ATTITUDE and the CHARISMA to back it up.


As far as most women know ... it just happens. And when they see the whole package, sparks fly!

The great news for you is that I'm about to show you HOW to make the WHOLE picture of attraction happen, so that you can spark attraction with virtually any woman that you meet and back it up with confidence, charisma, conversation skills, and alpha attitude.


This web page is going to change the way you think about yourself and women, so make sure that you print out and read every word. it's that important.


Firstly, I have a few questions to ask. Have you ever had any of these things happen to you?

  • You wished you were someone else in order to become more attractive to women.

  • You've finished a conversation, knowing you didn't really say what you needed to and left her with a poor first impression.

  • You really like women but usually end up being their friend rather than their lover.

  • You wish you had a social circle and social skills to impress a woman and show her you are a man of value.

  • You're confused about attraction and what women truly want in a guy (Do they want a nice guy? Do they want a jerk? Do they even know what they want?)

  • You've found yourself in a relationship where the love and attraction is waning, but you don't know what to do to fix it.

These kinds of situations are everyday occurences that hinder men from achieving their true potential with women, but salvation is at hand...

I'm going to show you how transformation is possible, using a combination of methods:

  1. Explanation of approach, inner game, and seduction instruction. Read closely as me and members of the Meet Your Sweet team share their insights into developing authenticity, loving your own life, developing authentic conversation and seduction, and projecting real alpha value to quality women.

  2. Healthy lifestyle tips, including dispelling myths about fats, carbohydrates, calorie intake, and how to get the best out of your body through effective exercise technique to deliver a killer physique and super confidence that really turns her head!

  3. Relationship maintenance with key tips and techniques to foster open, positive communication as well as arming you with skills to effectively handle any situation that challenges your relationship.

  4. Interviews with dating gurus, expert authors and method masters that share their special insights and strategies to help you keep on top of your game and stay ahead of your competition!

  5. Plus your specific intimacy issues answered, to guarantee your behind-closed-doors antics are remembered for all the right reasons!

Can you spare a few minutes to discover how you can achieve success like the thousands of men who have applied our secrets before you? Will you be our next success story?


Sit back and get comfortable and read the rest of this webpage. Your approach to attracting women is about to change forever...


...You're probably wondering now, 'What makes the Meet Your Sweet Team such experts?'


I'm part of a team of talented writers, researchers, and dating and relationships experts. The Meet Your Sweet Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series is a collection of the wisdom and works of some of the internet's top dating heavyweights, including authors Mirabelle Summers, Slade Shaw, Amy Waterman, James Bradley, Andrew Rusbatch, plus many more. And in addition to the written material in this course, Amy Waterman has interviewed and hand-picked some of the internet's most prolific minds in each monthly issue as part of her commitment to delivering you the ultimate attraction transformation.


You have every reason to trust your attraction transformation is in good hands. Best-selling publications created and written by members of the Ultimate Attraction Transformation team include:

  • Get a Guy Guide
  • Fireworks With Females
  • 2nd Chance
  • Conversation Chemistry
  • Connect and Commit
  • Supreme Self Confidence
  • How to Be Irresistible to Men
  • How to Be Irresistible to Women
  • Save My Marriage Today
  • Make Every Man Want You More
  • Seduction Genie

You have the benefit of the combined wisdom of a formidable collection of experts in their field, plus exclusive audio interviews with dating gurus the world over, all committed to achieving one goal: helping you achieve your personal and attraction transformation!

Get Your FREE 6 Part Mini-Course Now!

Over the next 6 days you're going to Discover Everything you never knew about the opposite sex..... And the TOP Mistakes Most People make that Instantly Kills Attraction!

After completing my Free 6 Part Mini Course, you'll..

  • Understand that yes..... Men and Women ARE different
  • Learn why feeling socially confident will increase your appeal to the opposite sex by leaps and bounds.... and how to become confident in these situations
  • Get a valuable insight into how the mind of the opposite sex actually works...... why the behavior that impresses you won't necessarily have them begging for more
  • Read about vital factors of building a healthy relationship
  • Learn how to fascinate the person you have in your sights..... so you can have them chasing you!!!

There's so much fantastic information in my mini-course that everyone is asking me how I can be giving this away for free! Let me tell you, even if you've read everything out there on relationships (like I have!), you'll STILL be astounded at these valuable insights.

Get my minicourse now (and some fantastic free bonuses ONLY for my newsletter subscribers) by signing up today!

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We'll email you within the next 5 minutes.

**This is a private mailing list and will never be sold or given away for any reason. Believe me, I hate spam as much as you do! I also make it easy for you to unsubscribe at any time. **


It doesn't matter if you want a few tips or a complete rethink about your approach to attraction, it's never too late to develop the effortless success with women and relationships you have always wanted.


Being part of a team that has written a host of best-selling dating and relationships ebooks, we have enjoyed hearing success stories from the many members who have purchased our books and gone on to achieve great things. But I have often wondered if they have ENOUGH knowledge and attraction skills to adapt and react to ANY and EVERY attraction situation presented to them.

After all, it's great to achieve success in ONE field or aspect of attracting quality women and developing a relationship, but have you considered the power of having a complete knowledge and skills-base to call upon in any and every attraction situation?


This planted a seed in our minds and over a number of months we explored options to more fully support and assist men on their journey to greater understanding of what it takes to achieve ultimate attraction. It was at that point we discovered that men, guys like you, need more than just one ebook to help them achieve all their attraction goals. What you need is your own personal success coach, wingman, or guide to offer you tips, techniques, strategy, and ideas, as you evolve from an 'average Joe' to an attraction master.


In the absence of us physically accompanying you, we discovered that guys like you need a monthly publication, giving you the benefit of our combined wisdom in digestible chunks on your journey to attraction transformation.


We had hours of team discussions over many months, sharing and exchanging ideas and strategy. We identified where each of our writers' strengths were and those became each person's special area of focus. We spent a lot of time calculating what YOU needed to know and at what step of the journey you needed to focus on each part.


The result is the next generation of dating advice, powerfully bound into a 12-issue monthly course like no other.


In the same way it took most of a year to create and assemble the many parts and features of this series, the Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series will guide you through a year's journey in learning, applying, and mastering each of the powerful steps and concepts associated with understanding and attracting quality women, so that you can truly say you have had an Ultimate Attraction Transformation.


If you want to truly understand attraction in a way that you never have before, you need to know that it's about much more than just ONE opener, ONE affirmation, ONE part of your body, or ONE aspect of your character. It's about you actually being the COMPLETE PACKAGE, a man of integrity and a man of power, who understands attraction is about more than just looks, attitude, or intellect. It's about being ALL THREE.


No matter if you are 26 or 62, we have created a course that is going to change your life, starting today, with the first of 12 life-changing issues. It's never too late to see the big picture and truly transform yourself into the attraction master you want to be.


And here's the REALLY WILD part...


Every guy you speak to has an area of attraction that they wish they were better at. Now we have a series that can take every man and deliver him a personal and attraction transformation that will take him to the top of his game.


I'm talking more than just one piece of the puzzle. I'm talking about lifting your game in every area of your life. An ULTIMATE ATTRACTION TRANSFORMATION. If your issue is:

  • Approaching Women
  • Conversation skills
  • Dating tips
  • Understanding women
  • Relationship management
  • Healthy eating
  • Bodybuilding and exercise
  • Sex tips
  • Social skills
  • Seduction and romance
  • Overcoming insecurities
  • Managing masculinity
  • Developing an attraction mindset
  • Communication in relationships
  • Conflict resolution
  • Creating passion that lasts

...we have the secret to your success. If you need a step up in any of these areas, THIS is the series that is going to take you there.


We are going to guide you, coach you, encourage you, cajole you, and support you every step of the way through our monthly issues so that you can maximize your attraction transformation and reach each goal along your journey.


And that's the most potent benefit of being part of a series, part of a community of motivated men. We aren't going to just give you one book to read and leave YOU to do the rest. We are going to PUSH you each month to take the next bold step towards your Ultimate Attraction Transformation goal.




...this series is only going to be available for 5 days, then the doors will be CLOSED! This is to allow the first intake of students to receive our full attention as they learn and apply what's in this first issue. It also means you have to act fast if you want to secure your limited copy of this course before it closes and you miss out!


Don't get left behind!


I Want To Secure My Special Pricing of Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series Right Now!

Order the First Issue of Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series Instant Download for just $27


I've seen in REAL LIFE how just SOME of these secrets and concepts have delivered powerful results to the men that have tried them. I know this stuff works, because it has been tested in bars, clubs, parties, and places the world over...


... and MOST IMPORTANTLY, because each ONE of the strategies and approaches outlined in this series is guaranteed to give you successful results with attracting women, ALL THESE CONCEPTS AND TECHNIQUES COMBINED will make you into a veritable powerhouse of Ultimate Attraction Transformation.


This is not just one piece of the puzzle. You get the WHOLE PICTURE.


Does this prospect excite you? It should, because...


...You're about to discover powerful keys to understanding women and developing attraction skills that most men will NEVER learn. Here is a sample of what is inside the first issue of 'Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series':

  Listen in on our exclusive audio interview with dating guru Carlos Xuma and discover how to truly be the Alpha Male in your life by reaching your own unique 'tipping point,' and utilizing the R.E A.L Game techniques!
  Get answers to 'The Big Questions' in this issue as well as tips to attract the right women for the real you by accepting our 'three fundamental basic truths.' Never doubt your instincts when you apply these powerful mantras to live by!
  Sick of feeling disconnected or taken for granted? How you can avoid the 'half-assed relationship syndrome' and what's involved in making your relationship into a happy one!
  Understand and apply our explosive tips to gain true inner game and become an authentic man with three life-changing realizations. This is your key to being authentic on a masculine level. Powerful stuff!
  Crucial secrets to toning down the characteristics that undermine your conversations with women. If you know you are doing any of these things, we tell you what they are and how to make it stop!
  Get the dirt on how to respect yourself and create a body that truly turns heads! Even if you aren't a Schwarzenegger lookalike, we can show you ways to maintain lean muscle mass and nourish your body to the best possible physique!
  Ramp up the romance! We give you the keys to the drivers seat and show you ways to take your intimacy to the next level both smoothly and seductively!
  Want to get a handle on your insecurities? We can show you ways to earn her attraction, let go of what you can't change, and improve what you can. This is a must-read!
  Develop key coping skills to prevent her insecurities from affecting your relationship. You will feel so much more secure about where your relationship is going when you grasp this crucial concept!
  Hear Brad Howard (of the Adonis Index) discuss exactly what it takes to achieve the body that draws women in like a TRACTOR BEAM! This is a must-have interview!

And that's not all!


I've left no stone unturned in answering the big questions POINT-BLANK about women. If you want to completely reshape your success and happiness... from the ground floor up and get what it takes to truly be unstoppably confident in ALL situations around women, this issue is your crucial first step forward!


Here's what else you're going to learn in upcoming issues...

  Supersize your social skills to converse easily and fruitfully with attractive women, without using risky and potentially damaging 'PUA techniques.' There is a better way, and I will show you how!
  How to 'connect emotionally' with women and provide them with that magical combination of attractiveness and trustworthiness that they most deeply desire. Women flock to men that can master this skill and you can enjoy its results!
  Discover the 'magic foods' to grow your muscles, get fit, lose fat, and get a clear, smooth complexion. Once you know what magic foods to focus on, you can fast-track your way to a better body!
  Uncover mindbusting ways to see through what she THINKS she wants in order to give her what she TRULY wants. You can be that man that is set apart from the rest, and have her gasping with surprise and excitement!
  Get secrets to SUPERCHARGE your self-image and putting yourself in the way of your 'snowball of success.' It doesn't just happen to other guys, now you can make it happen for you!
  How to actively survive challenges with the woman in your life. Discover the relationship litmus test that tells you if you are in a dynamic, fulfilling relationship, or if you are just 'settling!'
  Become a true man of power by discovering CR James' 4-step technique to increasing your sexual value. This audio interview is a real eye-opener!
  Master and maximize your chances of fun and success via online dating following our carefully crafted 10 Rules of Online Dating. Once you have mastered these rules you can say goodbye to frustrating failures and get maximum enjoyment and results from your online profile!
  Get the lowdown on why 'being a man' matters to most truly excellent women, and the 5 all-encompassing 'man methods' that will capture and hold her attention!
  Wonder how to pass those little 'tests' she gives you? Secure our secret method to help gain a 100% pass rate and prove to her the power of your authenticity.
  Relationship management! Master 5 practical steps for putting YOURSELF in the driver's seat and losing the 'victim mentality' when things are off-track.
  Want to be more of a man? Broadcast your masculinity and avoid sending women the 'wussy signals' through an exclusive audio interview with masculinity maestro, Scot McKay.
  How to explosively transform your success with amazing women in just ONE WEEKEND - we get the hard word from 'Bootcamp Insider' Alex Nova.
  Performance Busters!! Get the TRUTH about why some men 'lose control' over themselves in the bedroom... and what to do about it.
  Learn seductive 'selling techniques' that up your success with women. We key you in on how and why 'salesmen' get the best results!
  Discover some serious facts on the female sex drive: expose the myths and uncover the real facts about female sexual psychology, what's going on insider her mind and what she REALLY needs as her desire evolves over time.
  Unforgettable first dates! Internet dating guru Dave M. spills the beans on how to create the PERFECT first date (including how to keep her coming back for more).
  Seduction Science is a secret no longer when you learn how to identify 'real chemistry'. We show you how to maximise it and involve yourself on a 'gut level' with your conversation with women.
  Want to sculpt the body of a Spartan? We show you how using the 'big boy' exercises, and how and when to utilize the power of the superset. It's like having your own personal trainer helping you shape your body for your attraction transformation!
  How to have mind-blowing sex - NO acrobatics required. Apply our 5 Key Concepts to maximizing your intimate connection in a way that will have her begging for an encore!
  Conversation maestro or conversation killer? Listen in on another Ultimate Attraction Interview, this time with David Wygant on how to construct 'organic conversation' from scratch that actually GETS RESULTS!
  Make her LOVE fighting with you: communication tips for the quarrelsome. You never need to fear conflict in your relationship again once you share my secrets to powerful positive communication and conflict resolution!


I Can't Wait A Moment Longer. I Want To Start My "Ultimate Attraction Transformation" Journey Right Now!


Order the First Issue of Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series Instant Download for just $27


...And that's not all, there is a lot more covered inside the first comprehensive issue of “Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series." Each issue in this series ranges from 80-100 pages in length, and while that may seem lengthy, I made sure that it is a really fun and easy read, plus you get access to exclusive audio interviews with a host of dating experts each month! So in addition to all your reading, you have hours of audio advice from some of the internet's sharpest dating minds!


I didn't want to leave any stone unturned in making sure that you get the absolute best and most powerful information about attracting quality women and showing her the best possible version of your attractive self.

Great News: Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series is available for Instant Download

I created Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series to be an instant download because that way you can access all of the information in the next 5 minutes!


The other good news about it being available via a members download area is that I'm able to include more information and more amazing bonuses (which I'll tell you about shortly).


And your privacy is assured. A lot of guys wouldn't want to buy this course if it were to be delivered to them in the mail each month because they don't want others to know they are buying it. But this way you can download it to your computer and print it or read it on your computer in complete privacy.

The bill on your credit card shows up discretely as “Clickbank”.

How Much Does This Instant Download Series Cost?

Before mentioning the price, I'd like to remind you that my book has been specifically designed to teach you how to:

  • spark any quality woman's attention and attraction
  • communicate and connect with women on a sexual level
  • create attraction and chemistry with women you never thought you could get
  • be the man that EVERY woman wants
  • demonstrate quickly that you are a man of high value
  • approach women and start conversations that actually get results
  • improve your self image and physique for dating success, and enjoy lasting health benefits
  • develop relationship skills that can meet any challenge you face as a couple
  • uncover secrets to creating passion that lasts - no matter how long you are together

Now I want you to think about how much it is really worth to you to transform your attraction skills and get you the woman of your dreams.


How much is it worth to you to not only to get the attention of a quality woman, but to also keep her attention and hold on to them in a relationship as long as you want?


And once you are achieving effortless success with attracting and keeping women, how much is it worth to you for that relationship to be given the maximum possible chance of success, without making the common mistakes that you may have been vulnerable to before?


That's a lot of important things to put a price on, but I'm serious... how much is it worth?






I don't think that is an exaggeration. You can't really put a price on how your love life turns out. That said, the team of expert authors at Meet Your Sweet have put our whole hearts into this series and we really want as many guys like you as possible to have it and gain the immense success with women from it that I know you will!


With that in mind, I've decided to make the instantly downloadable Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series available, the one that we've poured our hearts and soul into writing and recording, at an affordable price of only $27 per issue!


I'm sure you'll agree that is peanuts compared to the incredible value that I'm providing you in my series.


But, how can you be certain that my course will live up to your expectations? I hate to say it, but there is a lot of over-hyped crap out there on the internet. With that in mind, I've decided to offer you...

My 100% Money Back Guarantee

You're probably wondering... What's specifically is a 100% money back guarantee?

I'm allowing you full download access to "Ultimate


Attraction Transformation Series" and if you don't like it, you can get your money back.


That's my MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. You simply fill in your credit card or Paypal details and you get to access the members area and download the first issue of "Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series" PLUS the audio interviews and bonus sealed section right now in less than 5 minutes.


You can go through the entire product, evaluate it and if you don't like it, you have up to 60 days from your date of purchase to get a full refund.


That means that if you don't like the product for any reason, you can email us and we will give your money back.


That's how confident I am in what I have to offer you. I'm sure that once you read and start implementing what I have to offer you, it'll be so beneficial to you and your dating/relationship life that you'll be glad to pay $27 for it.


PLUS, even after you are billed your $27, you still have up to 60 days to gain a full refund from us if you are dissatisfied for any reason.


So there you have it, go get your instant access right now!...

But Wait... There's More!


I really want to make sure that you are getting the best possible value for your money. So I'm also throwing in an amazing SUPER BONUS...


Here Are The Details Of Your Amazing SUPER BONUS (Great Value!)...

Super Bonus #1:

Ultimate Attraction Series Sealed Section - Getting Physical: Tips for Guys

sexual dynamo - attracting womenWant a roadmap of top female turn-ons and turn-offs?

Need a litte confidence to get physical and really know your efforts are being well received?


If you need a little expert guidance on maximizing your results under the sheets, look no further than Meet Your Sweet's sex guru Amy Waterman.


Amy has carefully crafted a guide which gives you guys all the tips and ideas to fine-tune your technique and make sure your tricks are hitting all the right places. Everything you have always wanted to ask but haven't been able to talk about with your buddies is answered with Amy's frank and forthright style in this must-have guide, the first issue of our regular Ultimate Attraction Series feature each month.


"Getting Physical - Tips for Guys." Sex tips and the keys to killer technique all in one place!


5 Good Reasons to Buy Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series Right Now:

Within a few minutes from now, you can gain instant download access and start rethinking your attraction strategies right now! Inside the first issue of the Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series you'll receive a comprehensive 88 pages of tips and techniques, PLUS exclusive audio interviews, PLUS bonus sealed section, about how to approach, meet, charm, and build long-lasting attraction with women. No need to risk further heartache and frustration through making uninformed decisions. Just follow the tips and techniques and start transforming your seduction game immediately.
Join the thousands of other men who have experienced success with Meet Your Sweet to rethink what works with attracting quality women and developing long-lasting relationships. Now you have the opportunity to be one of the first few to begin this 12-month course.
From all my years of research studying human behavior I've learnt one important thing: If you don't make the decision to take action and get this area of your life sorted out right now, there's a very very small chance that you'll do anything about it in the future... do you really want to leave your chance of future happiness to chance? Do you really want to let your chances of attracting quality women slip through your grasp? You owe it to yourself to make informed decisions and to give your love life the best possible chance of long term success.
You must act Today to secure your membership to this life-changing program and bonus. After that time, I'm focusing my attention on those motivated men who want to begin their attraction transformation now. Don't get left behind, be one of the first to secure your copy. If you delay, you WILL get left behind!
With your instant money-back guarantee, there is literally NO RISK for you. If you aren't satisfied for ANY reason, or it doesn't live up to your expectations, just send me an email and I will refund your payment. Right up to the final week of my 8 week (60 day) guarantee.

So there you have it, go get your instant access to "Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series" right now!...


Yes, I want FULL download access to the first installment of "Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series" right now!

ultimate attraction transformation series - for men

I understand by gaining accessing that:

  • I get access to the first issue of "Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series" plus audio interviews for a super-low $27!

  • All future issues in this 12-issue course will be billed and sent monthly at a cost of $27 per issue.

  • I also get full access to the bonus sealed section as part of my purchase.

  • If I'm not completely convinced that the series is worth every cent, I can email Meet Your Sweet support (I have up to 60 days to receive a full refund.)

Men - Click Here To Join
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Thank you so much for your time.

If you learn and apply the methods in my series, listen to the advice in the audio interviews and utilize the information shared in the bonus sealed section, then I have no doubt that this will give you the maximum possible chance of transforming your attraction success with women! And you'll become a better, more fulfilled person in the process.


I can't wait to hear your success story and hope that you'll tell others about my series after you experience profound results!


Your friend,

Slade Shaw

slade shaw

Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series

P.S. In my experience, very few people choose to take action on something when they don't act on it right away. With that in mind, if you don't take action right now, will you be experiencing the benefits of an attraction transformation 6 months from now? A year? Will you truly grow from this opportunity and run with it, or will this decision haunt you in the future?


P.P.S. Don't forget you get to access your first issue of "Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series" and all its audio interviews and bonus sealed section in as little as 5 minutes from now AND you can get a refund up to 60 days from the date of purchase if you aren't satisfied. I've made it easy for you by taking all the risk myself because I believe in this course and the value that it'll give you.


P.P.P.S Lost the order button? Click HERE to Order "Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series" right now.


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