Yes Rachel! Please rush me my discount copy of your "Relationship Recovery", including INSTANT ACCESS to all of the bonus material!
I understand I will receive:
Relationship Recovery : A New Way To Save Your Relationship
The comprehensive 190 page book that covers every aspect of relationship dynamics and how to save yours, including:
- One of the most common mistakes that can cause nearly all relationships to breakup. You might be doing this without knowing. Changing this can often be the key to restoring relationships fast!
- Learn a powerful technique to ensure your partner listens, so that you feel appreciated and valued (even if they are the worst listener in the world!)
- Learn how to stop simple disagreements from snowballing into full blown arguments, when they never need to. You'd be amazed at how few people know this. I'll show you how to analyze why your partner is behaving the way they are and the right way to respond.
Written by Rachel Rider
I also understand that I will also receive the following special bonuses:
"Is Your Relationship Worth Saving?"
Melody Chase and Dr. Rob Bilton’s relationship coaching philosophy is unlike any other; they’ve tested and refined their methods through 15 years of working with real-life couples with a range of relationship issues. In this exclusive bonus you are going to discover their secrets, from years of relationship experience, on what what every couple MUST know in order to develop a happy and long lasting relationship
"Repair After Separation"
...Here, you’ll
evaluate whether reconciliation is still a viable option and learn to take control of yourself and your situation, as well as create an environment where your partner will WANT to come back.
If you are separated or about to separate from your partner after a volatile situation, 'Repair After Separation' is specifically written for you.
Limited Time Bonus (Optional) Yes Rachel! Please also give me my first edition of your Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series for FREE ($37 value).
Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series
I understand that with Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series, each month I'll discover life-changing tips and strategies to attracting and keeping the quality man of my dreams as well as empowerment advice, healthy lifestyle tips, relationship maintenance, interviews with dating experts, and specific intimacy issues all answered in each action-packed issue!
I understand that there is no other product on the market like this, and that I will receive the first edition today for free. If I choose to stay on as an Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series member, I will be charged $37 per month for each new issue for as long as I decide to remain a member. I can cancel at any time. |
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