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How Dating & Attraction REALLY Work

Every system has a foundation. Some guys base their seduction science on NLP; others say that it all comes down to the approach and building rapport. There are other guys who focus on entertaining women and demonstrating value.

Our foundation here at is a little different. That’s because it was developed IN CONJUNCTION with female experts, including our own Mirabelle Summers and Amy Waterman from

We’ve gone to the SOURCE to see what women have to say. But by no means have we accepted their ideas uncritically. We’ve tested each and every tip we recommend against what’s predicted by the social sciences and what’s recommended by relationship counselors.

Because one thing is for certain: if you want something more in your life than the ability to get hot babes … if you want to have better relations with women in EVERY area of your life … if you’re thinking that you might even want to have a RELATIONSHIP some day … then most seduction systems out there are going to MESS YOU UP.

They’re going to teach you bad habits that will spill over into your everyday interactions with women. Hey, just ask Neil Strauss. The only way to win the Game is to leave it.

What you’re learning here is NOT a game. It’s how the world REALLY works.

It’s the stuff that life coaches, therapists, and clinical psychologists are teaching to set you up for a lifetime of happiness and success in every area of your life.

Because if you think about it, relationships are FUNDAMENTAL to the way we live. You have a relationship with your parents, a relationship with your boss, a relationship with your neighbor … pretty much every interaction you have with a person could be considered a relationship.

That means that the skills we’re going to teach you here won’t just make you better at pickup.

They’ll make you better at LIFE.


So Here’s the Deal…

We have three core beliefs here at that inform pretty much everything we do.

These three fundamental principles are so powerful that they can completely TRANSFORM your success with the opposite sex…

…Yet they’re so SIMPLE that even a baby could understand them.

Before I share those three principles with you, I want to make an important point.

People have made the process of getting laid or getting a girlfriend waaaay more complicated than it really is.

If it were really THAT difficult, then the human race would have died out long ago!

But people have been meeting, mating, and breeding for millennia…

…Which leads me to wonder why seduction “gurus” have to have such complicated systems to teach guys like us how to get laid.

Look, human relationships are such a fundamental part of our lives that they were never MEANT to be complicated.

So I’m going to promise you this: I’m not going to make this hard for you just so that I can make a few extra bucks. You’ve got enough going on in your life that you don’t need some so-called “guru” making it even more difficult.

I’m going to make sure that you won’t need to know any fancy jargon to follow my program. You won’t need to memorize complicated routines.

Instead, what you’re going to be asked to do is something very simple…

…To really “get” what it is I’m talking about.

That snap moment of awareness. That’s it.

Eastern gurus call it “enlightenment,” and it WORKS. In one split second, your whole life can change. You’ll see the world in a whole different way.

Things that never made sense before will suddenly make complete sense. Women, who may have always seemed complicated and confusing, will even become predictable!

Are you with me on this?

Are you prepared to open your mind and look at things in a way that you may have NEVER seen before?

Are you ready to erase your mind of all the crap others have put in there, and find out the TRUTH?

If so, then you’re ready for the three principles I have to share with you…

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