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What’s Coming Up

Okay, that’s enough of a teaser. Now that you know where I stand, I want to tell you what’s coming up in this mini-course.

The next three sections of the course will discuss each of the above principles in depth.


Day 2. “How the female mind works... And how to use this knowledge to your advantage!”

Discover how female brains are wired and what this means for YOU.


Day 3. “The MOST IMPORTANT secret to making a woman want you”

So what does it take to be a man? What does it take to inspire irresistible sexual chemistry in a woman? We’ll give you a quiz to measure exactly how well you’re igniting sexual polarity in a woman and give you concrete techniques to up your sex appeal.


Day 4. “Become rejection-proof by mastering your inner game”

You’ll find out how much your inner game influences how you perform in dating situations. You’ll discover the trick to switching your mindset such that you can NEVER lose and become IMMUNE to rejection. You’ll learn how to accelerate your speed of improvement and make dating a heck of a lot more fun in the process.


Once you understand these principles entirely, I’ll show you how to put them into practice to attract women and to keep their interest.


Day 5. “ Unravel female flirtation signals to FASCINATE women”

Find out how you can use your insider knowledge of a woman’s mind to maximize your success in attracting women.


Day 6. “Keep a relationship from EVER getting boring!”

Our female expert teaches you the secrets to making sure that relationships make your life BETTER rather than worse.


Hope you’re as excited about this mini-course as I am. There’s a TON of great information that we’ve got ready to share with you. We’re ready to motive you and get you out there achieving the kind of success with women that you deserve!



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