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Meet Your Sweet Articles - page 1
Find Out How Dating and Attraction REALLY Work!Are you sick and tired of lagging behind in the dating game? Are you experiencing a near-constant stream of setbacks and lukewarm dates? Are you a whiz at attracting attention, but less than proficient at maintaining it? And, more importantly, is all this making you feel less than successful when it comes to men and relationships? Well, thank goodness you’ve got this minicourse in your hot little hands – because I’m going to help you to fix all of that. Hi, I’m Mirabelle Summers from MeetYourSweet.com, resident expert on men and what makes them tick. If you’re reading this, it means you’re interested in finding out more about men and how they work. This is what we’ll be concentrating on in the 6-Part Course. I like to think of this course as Man School. In Man School, we’re going to be examining all the most common mistakes that women make when they’re trying to attract men: all the things that us gals do that we think will work like a charm, when what the guy’s actually thinking is, Uh oh … not another one! We’re also going to talk about what you can do to proactively attract more men: the things you can and should be doing to attract the men that you’re interested in. We’re also going to be spending some time focusing on the male brain itself: what makes a man into his mysteriously masculine self; the differences between men and women (and what this means for you!); the principles of “catching” men; and the principles of keeping those men right where you want them. Sounds almost like a finishing school for debutantes, doesn’t it? Well, not to worry – there’s not going to be any outdated stuff about fan-fluttering and hooped skirts in this course! Instead, we’ll be getting down to the nitty-gritty of successful, rewarding, fun dating in modern society. In short, this course is going to turn you into a foxy, sassy, sexy, savvy dating expert. You’ll be able to socialize with expertise, attract more men that you find interesting into your life, hook them with panache, and keep the ones that deserve keeping. Now, I don’t mean to talk about men quite so objectifyingly here – after all, despite everything, we love ’em! – but to a certain extent, I do think it’s helpful to take them off that little pedestal that so many women have created for them. It’s pretty difficult to socialize with someone, flirt with them, and get intimate with them, if the whole time you feel as though they’re socially superior to you – almost as if they outrank you. Sound like a weird concept? Well, maybe it does – at least, until you think about it. How many girls do you know who, upon seeing a gorgeous man, lose all their nerve and “just can’t go over there”? It doesn’t seem to matter how much encouragement you give them: “Oh, no, I couldn’t possibly,” is the usual response I hear, or perhaps it’s, “I’m just too scared/he’s just too hot/how will I know what to say?” Now, nobody says things like that if they feel like social equals with said gorgeous man. The kinds of responses listed above are given by a woman who has automatically accorded alpha-status to the masculine target … she’s automatically become the submissive figure, before so much as a word has been spoken! This is what I’m talking about when I say, “Take the men off the pedestal”. Get it into your head that they’re nothing to be afraid of! And the first way to do that, I find, is to speak a little more irreverently about men, and understand on a gut level that dating isn’t something to be taken seriously. Instead, it’s all about having fun and getting out there in the world, broadening your horizons – and changing your attitude as it stands towards men! A lot of women have pretty unhealthy attitudes about all of these things. And this isn’t even something that they can necessarily help – with the amount of junk that we’re being fed as far as how to get and keep men goes, it’s amazing that anyone manages to even attract men in the first place, let alone enjoy successful relationships with them! In this course, I hope to enlighten you about the male gender: how they work, how we can understand them more, and how we can use that understanding to improve our social and love lives. In addition to this, I’d very much like to contradict some of the damage that’s been caused by all the rubbish currently in circulation about attracting men! I’m sure you know the kind of thing I’m telling you about – all those “dating gurus,” information portals, online e-books, and downloadable interviews that talk about “The Rules” for attracting men. These people are telling us that we have to organize our love-lives according to specific, rigid protocols – that we should wait X number of minutes before initiating a conversation with “the object”, that we should always/never make the first phone call (I love it how these rules change completely, depending on whose take is currently in vogue), about how we should definitely have sex on the first date/definitely not have sex until the third date… It’s pretty absurd, really, and definitely not conducive to the sort of healthy, fun dating attitudes and experiences that I’m in favor of. Really, that’s what this course is going to be about. I’m planning on divulging some information, along with a few tips and suggestions (note, no mention of a single rule!) about how to attract men, and keep them attracted, to you – and in ways that seem fun and natural, not contrived and confusing. But that’s quite enough of an introduction from me, I think! Let’s get down to the real meat – it’s time to take a look at the kinds of things you’ll be learning over the next week....